Worship and the Ministry of Reconciliation

The entire story of scripture is God reconciling His children to himself. It’s the story of God redeeming us and putting us back in the place we were created for, which is in a relationship with Him.  
Obviously, we are reconciled through the sacrifice of Christ, but everything that leads us to that point when we surrender to Jesus encompassed in the ministry of reconciliation.

God uses the church in this ministry, and He uses every part of the church. Paul tells us about this ministry in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrust to us the message of reconciliation.” God has entrusted the church with carrying the hope of the Gospel of Christ to those who are lost. It’s this gospel that reconciles us to the Father. Every ministry in the church plays a part in this because you never know how God is going to open up someone’s heart to the Gospel. Music and art are things that immediately engage our emotions and make our hearts vulnerable. It’s incredibly encouraging to our worship and production teams when we hear stories of God using a song, a prompt, or a video to really open someone’s heart to the good news of Christ.

Here is a piece of an email that I received about one person’s experience in a worship service:

Out of nowhere the tears came, my heart was overwhelmed, and I felt something move inside my mind and soul that has not been alive for a long time. After the second song, I was wondering why I was so lost and why I had wandered for so long. I looked around and saw all these beautiful, fabulous people who were swaying to the music and obviously – obviously, they believed. During the third song, I was crying and wishing God would forgive me for floundering all my life. And after the message – well, for the first time in a long time, I felt a peace inside my heart that has been too long gone. Here was a place I could come to learn and grow and give of myself without the fear of judgment or humiliation for not knowing any better. Here I could find what I so need to help me through the difficult times and rejoice with me for the joyous times. Here I could build that foundation in God’s love that has been too long coming.

Worship leaders, musicians, production volunteers, church: don’t ever take for granted the great opportunity you have to be involved in God reconciling hearts through Christ. Everyone who served that day in any capacity and everyone worshipping in the congregation played a role in this person being reconciled to God through Christ. Every Sunday, eternity is at stake, so prepare your heart, prepare your art and prepare to be used by God in amazing ways.
